Title: CASHIER CHECKER (GAS PUMP) (RPT/ Gas Lanes) Location: United States-Hawaii-Honolulu Job Number: 220001TZ Job Summary: Performs duties in connection with the operation of a fully automated selfservice gasoline station accepting cash or credit cards and making necessary change. Duties and Responsibilities: Monitors operation of a fully automated selfservice gasoline station equipped with electrically controlled pumps. By remote controls resets pumps following purchase. Accepts cash or credit card in payment for products sold. Makes change as necessary may be responsible for a change fund and operates a cash register. May record gas pump readings at beginning and end of workshift as appropriate. Keeps work area clean of debris wash down gas pumps and observes all fire and safety rules and regulations. Exercises tact good manners and courtesy when serving and assisting customer. Expressed by tactfully responding to patron inquiries and assisting patrons in a prompt and friendly manner. May operate government vehicle in connection with performing aforementioned tasks. Performs other related duties as assigned. Qualifications: No experience required. High school graduate or equivalent preferred.